martes, 1 de julio de 2008

ODE 0.10

Julio viene calentito! Se acaba de lanzar una nueva versión de nuestro motor físico preferido: ODE 0.10
Para ver el changelog sigue leyendo.

Changes for 0.10:

* New functions: dInitODE2(), dAllocateODEDataForThread(),
dCleanupODEAllDataForThread(). This adds support for ability to run
collision detection from multiple threads for separate spaces.
* New functions: dCheckConfiguration(), dGetConfiguration(), to test
how ODE was compiled.
* New function: dJointGetNumBodies (patch #1901550).
* New function: dSpaceGetClass (patch #1901637).
* New function: dSetColliderOverride(), to register custom collision
handling functions.
* Added damping and MaxAngularVel() functions.
* Applied patch #1335202: Contact Joint Motion (see demo_motion.cpp).
* Applied patch #1851394: support for GIMPACT with double precision,
dCollide fix.
* Applied patch #1813079 (moved callback).
* Added possibility to collide a space of lower sublevel as a
geometry against another space of a higher level with dSpaceCollide2.
dSpaceSetSublevel/dSpaceGetSublevel are used for sublevel
* Fixed a bug in dJointXXXGetInfo. The value in limot.limit was not
always updated. (Ex: If hi and lo limit were changed).
* New Joint: Prismatic Universal (patch #1828454).
* New Joint: Piston, with demo.
* Disabled building shared library by default with autotools. ODE
shouldn't be installed as a system library.
* Fixed drawstuff build issues on OSX.
* Removed release and debug flags for CPPFLAGS,
CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS should be set by the user to their liking, respecting
autotools policies.
* Added 'Sweep and Prune' collision space.
* Optimizations, many bug fixes, and code cleanup.

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irrKlang se actualiza

Se acaba de anunciar la salida de irrKlang 1.1.0, lo que parece un pequeño gran salto desde la anterior versión 1.0.4.
Según en changelog, en resumen aporta optimizaciones de velocidad, mejor uso de la memoria y algunos bug fixes.

Por otro lado, también se ha actualizado el IrrklangSceneNode para su integración con la versión 1.4 de Irrlicht

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